We understand that success is a burden to carry.

Our Founders recognize that success comes with its own set of challenges. Having experienced their share of losing their way under stress and burnout, they created accessible and actionable programs to achieve clarity to navigate life better.

We strive to create a space where you can be fully yourself, and to design practices that fits who you uniquely are, all so that the resulting compass will be unmistakably yours. We are here for you. This is who we are.

Robert Millar, Partner

The Sherpa

No matter the position, industry or obstacle, Robert’s leadership philosophy starts with a simple idea: Self-awareness is the ultimate asset. And as Robert sees it, there’s nothing more exhilarating than helping someone see themselves for the first time.

Whether helping addicts and gang members chart a healthier path forward, training fellow missionaries around the world, or guiding corporate leaders to navigate their own limitations, Robert has devoted his life and career to helping people reach new destinations by first understanding themselves in new ways.  

This is what lives at the heart of the Bespoke Compass approach.

  • Robert’s yearning to dispel the great myths of leadership is shaped by years spent witnessing its shortcomings. His reputation as a “Conversational Jedi” has been forged over a career spent recognizing the hidden potency of non verbal communication and subconscious behavior.

    Some have called Robert a tarot card reader, and then 60 mins later an indispensable part of their business. For someone who likens the revelations of a properly guided conversation to the thrill of a world-class performance race car, Robert calls himself lucky.

    While still grounded by his faith, Robert’s callsign as The Sherpa of Bespoke Compass marks an important shift in focus, particularly for non-religious leaders seeking personal growth. As Robert says, whether you believe you were created by a god, cosmic fairy dust, or a Leprechaun in the woods, your origin story can be honored while still set aside.

    Progress is made by revealing the route you’re already on, naming the mountain you wish to climb, and knowing the proper path to the summit is the one that’s as distinct as your own DNA.

    Far from his native Northern Ireland, today Robert lives in St. Louis with his wife Bethany and their young son John.

Jae Chung, Managing Partner


Jae's remarkable journey, marked by an unconventional academic path, a lifelong commitment to service, and an unlikely ascent to a position of significant influence, is underpinned by his extraordinary superpower: perspective. This journey began when he immigrated to the United States from South Korea at the tender age of 11, thrusting him into a world of in-betweenness and the necessity to navigate diverse viewpoints. Growing up as a "1.5 generation Korean-American" brought its own challenges but imparted a profound lesson: that the world is a tapestry of distinct perspectives, and finding harmony requires recognizing our shared humanity.

  • This philosophy has shaped Jae's life and career, driving his insatiable curiosity and leading him to acquire degrees in molecular cell biology, theology, and intellectual history, allowing him to explore more corners of the world than he ever imagined. In his role as a senior leader in one of the world's largest churches, Jae developed the ability to see beyond the façade of high-achieving individuals, uncovering the underlying insecurities and desires for meaning. He also witnessed the full spectrum of human experiences, prompting his exploration of what constitutes a good life.

    For years, Jae played a pivotal role in mediating conflicts between opposing interest groups and executive leaders, steering them toward common ground and compromise. As the Managing Partner at Bespoke Compass, an executive mindset coaching company, Jae specializes in helping leaders harmonize seemingly conflicting facets of their identities, ambitions, and narratives into a unified perspective that transcends individual parts. Those who know Jae well testify to his transformative presence in any room, driven by his natural curiosity and unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of every person, allowing him to unravel even the most complex of mindsets.

    Whether bridging cultural divides, leading the social impact brand Vīdl, or cherishing moments with his family in St. Louis, Jae's consistent mindset is rooted in empathy, valuing every life as precious, and recognizing that great leadership is rarely black and white but often found in the nuanced gray areas of life.

Meet the Owners

Bespoke Compass is comprised of people who love living life to the fullest. We believe that though we may not have all the answers in this complex and mysterious life, it is in the genuine conversations, in the embracing of the imperfections, and in the delight of the journey that we make this life worth living. Bespoke Compass exists because there are enough people around the globe who believe in this vision.

  • Dennis Muilenburg

  • Patrick Shelton

  • Robert Millar

  • Jae Chung

Become A Guide

It take a special kind of a person to want to be a reflective surface for others to see themselves more clearly. Do you delight in seeing others find their way and thrive? Explore how you can become a Bespoke Guide.